Here is the tracked path of this particular balloon up until the point we lost it.

Programming the microcontroller.

The construction of the foam fuselage begins.

Intial test of the enclosed box. Looks like everything fits together.

The camera from the outside

The camera is nicely tucked and held in place using a few more pieces of foam.

Time for the initial weigh in. Looks good! Just a few more pieces of foam and some tape
to add. We plan to launch in the morning as the weather is supposed to be perfect. It's
about 11pm at this point.

On site, ready for final assembly.

Looks like John is ready to launch!

Checking the parachute lines.

Let the balloon filling begin. 80 cubic feet of helium should be enough. Note the two
lines running to the balloon... just in case.

That's a big balloon!

We are ready to go! One last photo op before letting go of many hours of labor.

And away we go!

To the chase car!

A view from the balloon.

Facing south-west (I think) from Ithaca, NY About 1km up.

Cayuga lake in Ithaca, NY.

Look at that nice sky! Smooth sailing!

You can see four lakes in this picture. From left to right it is Seneca, Cayuga,
Owasco and Skaneateles.

I think this is about the highest we got before pop. I'd guess this is about
35,000 feet. The sky is starting to get dark. The balloon was supposed to hit
over 100,000 feet, but it was old and out of date.

Coming down!! And just so you know, the parachute is all tangled and probably
doing very little to slow things down.

This picture is either just before impact or after a bounce. FOUR!

This is the next picture after landing. It was picked up by some golfers!

Here the box is being inspected by one of the guys who found it.

Retrieved. Mostly intact.